Unify logo with gray background
Unify logo with gray background

Every business needs a website, no matter how small they are. A website is a great place to advertise your business and lead people to discover you online and in person. It also serves to establish your business as a legit one. A website will inform potential customers about all your services and give them more information about your business.

A simple website can do for starters. When you pick a URL, make sure that it shows the name of your company clearly. You can use a ‘.com’ suffix, ‘.bix’, ‘.net’ or any other one that you feel like using. The pages must showcase the name of your business, contact information including phone number, email address, address etc. It must also give more information about your business.

The following are some things that your business website should do:

Sell your products online

Several business websites now have eCommerce sections where customers can order products and have the products shipped to them. You can also offer discounts and bonuses on your website. You should put in place a fast checkout process, a good payment platform, and a good shipping process. Sorting your products well and placing them in the appropriate categories will also go a long way in making your eCommerce platform a success.

Make people contact you through your website

Every professional business website should have a contact us page where their phone numbers, email address and other contact information should be placed. That way, people can easily contact you and ask questions.

Highlighting all the benefits your potential customer will get from calling you will also make them more willing to reach out. You can provide testimonials from other customers on the website to make new customers more willing to call you. These testimonials will give people an assurance that your services are worth using.

Make people come to your physical location

You can invite people to visit your brick and mortar store store through your website. You can upload exciting photos and videos of your office so you can draw more paying customers. This also serves to make you look more legit. You can also upload photos of you working at a client job site.

You can also allow people to make reservations via your website.

You must make it easy for them to visit your business. Clearly display your address on your site. You could even describe your address using physical landmarks close to you. Thanks to Google Maps and other tools, you can map out your office location and allow people to locate your location quickly with their GPS. These tools can also provide driving guides and guides for those that will be using public transportation.   

Allow you to contact people that could become paying customers

You can use your website as a major framework for your email marketing campaign. You can use your website to get people to give you their email addresses. You can build up a massive email list that you can use for outbound, targeted marketing. This will serve to make your sales funnel works, regularly bringing you new customers.

To get their email addresses, you should offer them something cool like free manuals and eBooks in exchange for their email addresses. Providing valuable content means that a visitor is more likely to read your content and trust that you are a knowledgeable source of information, which means that your emails are more effective – truly a win-win!

Allow customers to make selections

Your website should be a good place for customers to see all that you have for sale and make selections before visiting your physical location. You can provide images, descriptions and specifications of your goods and services so customers can see what they like and make an informed purchasing decision. This serves to, sort of, wet their appetite before they make the actual purchase.

Before you start creating your website, you need to have an end product and a design in mind. Think of what you want to achieve with your website and the kind of design that can help you achieve what you want.

You also need to find a way to drive thousands of monthly visitors to your site. SEO (Search Engine Optimization) and other tactics can help you to drive up visitors to your website.

Do you have questions? Or ready to start on a new website? UNIFY marketing & technology solutions can help! Contact us TODAY!